Get your products to Amazon warehouses on time

Amazon is one of the largest e-commerce trading platforms in the world. It provides a viable platform for big as well as small trading merchants. But getting the products to Amazon warehouses can be a real challenge as compared to selling the products. With the Clearit Amazon fba freight forwarding program, the process becomes easy. 

Clearit USA is an Amazon service provider that enables you to deliver your products to FBA warehouses timely, be it in the US or abroad.

Steps to use Clearit USA’s FBA delivery program

  • The first step is submitting a request for customs clearance.
  • When under-delivery requirements, you need to check off the Amazon box.
  • A specific Amazon warehouse EIN is required. For this, your agent will contact Amazon.
  • The last step processes when the transport and appointments are fixed for on-time delivery of your products.

Amazon shipping guidelines:

Amazon has set some strict guidelines that need to be ticked off before shipping a product. You must ensure that the shipping of your product has been accepted. The guidelines are:

  • Label Requirements:  You need to ensure that the label is marked on the shipping box as given in the guidelines.
  • Box Content information: When box content inventory is correct, it ensures a better chance of managing your products with Amazon. The following must be provided in the box label: Merchant SKU, FNSKU, Condition, Quantity Shipped, and Packing Option. The content of each box must contain only the product from one shipment ID.
  • Box dimensions and weight: Amazon has given some strict rules regarding the box in which your product is shipped. The boxes should not exceed 25” on any side. If it is the case, additional fees may be required, or the box can be refused. Boxes cannot exceed 50lbs unless it contains one single item heavier than 50 lbs. Boxes cannot weigh more than 40lb if they contain jewelry or watches.
  • Box Limits: Amazon specifies one single LTL (less than truckload) shipment cannot exceed 4,999 boxes. For the 5000th box, a second shipment needs to be created.
  • Pallet Requirements: All those delivered by small parcel carriers must be loaded on pallets made of suitable quality materials. 4-way access, 40* 48-inch wooden pallets are the idle size. Amazon may reject broken or damaged pallets at the seller’s expense.
  • Floor Loading requirements: In cases when a pallet is not an option, floor loading is the choice. The carrier must be informed that floor-loaded shipment must be identified on the carrier appointment request portal. The seller must supervise the necessities for floor loading.