Mark Roemer Oakland Explains How to Help Someone Who Has Been in A Car Accident


According to Mark Roemer Oakland, we must do our best to support the victim of an unfortunate accident if it is in our capabilities. Car accidents are one of the most common types of accidents that you can witness publicly and there are many things you can do to help the victim of car accidents.


Tips & Tricks

Here are a few tips you can follow to help somebody who has been in a car accident:

  1. Secure the accident scene – If you witness a car accident firsthand, you can try to secure the accident scene by parking your car on the side of the road in order to create a barrier using your car. In order to warn the oncoming traffic be sure to turn on the four-way flashers.

Remember to remain calm so that you can help the victims remain calm as well and make rational decisions. If you feel yourself panicking, take a few deep breaths to relax.

  1. Quickly assess the accident scene – It is important to assess the scene for any type of danger before you approach it to avoid becoming a victim yourself. For instance, notice if there is any smoke or fire, if you can smell a gas leak, or if there is any fuel flowing. Also, avoid downed live wires or broken glass to remain safe.

If you notice any uninjured pets or kids, take them to a safe location immediately. Make sure to notice as many details as possible so that you can provide the necessary details to the emergency services. 

  1. Call emergency services – After the initial quick assessment, call emergency services and provide them with important information such as the location of the accident including any landmarks, the number of victims involved, and any other details that you believe could help. 

Also, take note of the injuries that the victims have suffered to the best of your knowledge.


  1. Try to reduce the danger– The next step is to approach the accident victims safely and check if they respond. If the victim is unconscious and the doors of the cars are locked, break the window that is furthest from the victim. Ensure you turn off the ignition switch to make the scene safer.
  2. Provide aid to the victim – If you victim is conscious, ensure you confirm whether they need your help before providing any assistance. Otherwise, you can be subjected to legal action since you didn’t respect the victim’s wishes. If a victim doesn’t want your help, wait for professionals to arrive and offer help.

If the victim is unconscious, you can offer assistance without worrying about legal liabilities. However, you should still approach the victim carefully and try your best not to make their situation worse since you can unknowingly hurt them even more. And they can hurt you in a state of panic too.


Mark Roemer Oakland suggests you avoid moving the victim unless there is a risk of fire or explosion. In many cases, the victims often sustain injuries that are not visible on the outside and you can hurt them by moving their bodies. It is best to wait for the arrival of the emergency services.