How Would You Locate Vacuum Chamber Leaks?

The leakage of vacuum from the chambers are extreme cases when the vacuum pressures keep on getting lower and lower over time. Even a secure and pristine set-up won’t be able to hold back these leaks. The best of the systems claiming themselves to be very tight is required for various reasons. These include ensuring the maintenance of the right pressure and vacuum, maintenance of product safety, maintenance of environmental standards, and process efficiencies. There are two aspects to the leak inspections: the leak detection and the measurement of the leaks.

Leak detection

There are various leak rates for various vacuum processes and their applications. Things that are acceptable at lower vacuum levels might be completely discarded at higher vacuum levels. A helium leak detector is the best way to detect smaller leaks that are lesser than 1×10-6 mbar*l/s. 

Why is helium used?

Helium is used as a tracer. This is also because using helium will only constitute about 5ppm air to keep the background levels lower. This gas is also relatively low in mass and is extremely mobile. With this being completely inert and non-flammable, this gas finds wide usage as a leak tracer at a low cost.

This gas can help with accurate and rapid leak detections. This is also very light in weight, quick to use, and is not harmful in any way. 

Helium leak detection

During this process, the unit is checked by pressurizing it from within or without the helium. Any gas that is liberated from the potential leaks is then collected through the passages and is collected into the mass spectrometer for analysis. Any level higher from the background trace of helium would reveal signs of the system leaking.

Leak measurement

To calculate the leak rate for gases, an important factor of pressure needs to be considered. The leak rate is the amount of gas flowing out through the material at any given time. The leak rate can be calculated based on the diameter of the leak and the thickness of the leak channel. 

Detection methods

There are several leak detection methods like:

  • Simple bubble test
  • Pressure decay test
  • Helium integral mode test
  • Helium sniffer test

However, if the scenarios of leaks arise with the chambers, we are always at your help. Summon us to detect the leak and we’ll provide you with the ideal substitute for the damage.

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