Can PRP Offer Any Benefits in Our Sexual Health?

In the doctor’s clinic, patients frequently complain about sexual health-related issues. The body changes, as we get older in a predictable and typical way.

Erectile dysfunction in males can result from changes in the prostate and testosterone levels as they age. Age-related issue declines oestrogen levels in women that can cause vaginal dryness and decreased arousal. Sexual well-being and pleasure can also be impacted by certain medical disorders and drugs.

Standard therapies for these sexual problems include dietary and lifestyle changes, exercise, and improved communication with your partner. Medication and hormone therapy are two more frequent approaches to treat these problems.

PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, may also be helpful in treating people with sexual health problems, especially if all other treatments have failed. Plasmolifting Technologies is Germany based company who is engaged in producing high quality PRP-tubes.

The Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment involves injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into several penis-related locations. In order to create this mixture, blood is drawn from the patient, and stem cells and growth factors are separated and isolated using a centrifuge.

The injection can enhance the penis’ blood flow and assist patients in reaching their sexual potential. Some patients who underwent platelet rich plasma therapy reported the following outcomes:

  • Increase in their penis size
  • Stronger and firmer erections
  • Better orgasms
  • Longer sexual stamina
  • Boost in mood
  • Overall confidence

The number of shots and additional consultations required for this surgery can vary depending on the physical condition of the man.

More information about the specifics of this therapy and how it can treat erectile dysfunction symptoms can be obtained from the medical professionals. This innovative method is transforming how researchers think about men’s sexual health.

How does it work?

On our sexual health, the natural ageing process can have a significant effect. Additionally, many medical problems can affect sexual health. Uncomfortable tissue thinning and fragility result. There are many different things that can change blood flow.

Up to 35 different growth factors can be directly injected into penile and vaginal tissue using platelet-rich plasma. These growth factors are essential for tissue repair and cell renewal.

By isolating and concentrating platelets from other blood components, PRP enhances the body’s own natural healing response. The concentration of platelets in this specially made platelet-rich plasma is five to ten times higher than that of whole blood. 

There is no risk of cross reactivity or an immunological reaction because PRP is an autologous therapy that uses the patient’s own blood product.

PRP is a safe, complementary treatment for erectile dysfunction, according to studies. Male sexual dysfunction may be treated with PRP therapy, according to a 2019 overview of the data. The research unequivocally demonstrates that PRP has no negative side effects.

Numerous diseases relating to female sexual health are also known to respond favourably to PRP. These include ovarian rejuvenation for women with low ovarian reserve, avoiding wound disintegration following reconstructive surgery for vulvar malignancy, and cervical ectopy.

An intravaginal and intra-cultural PRP injection may be a useful treatment for some types of female sexual dysfunction, particularly in the areas of desire, arousal, lubrication, and orgasm, according to a small study.