How Bad Oral Health Can Affect Your Overall Health?

Are you experiencing specific health issues due to bad oral health? Most Morrisville orthodontist believe your gums and teeth play a significant role in maintaining proper health, or it may result in heart diseases, strokes, and more. If you want to know how bad oral health can impact your overall health, keep reading. This article features the effect of bad oral health on your health. Let’s dive in!  

Why is Oral Health Important?

Your oral health directly impacts your overall health, as poor oral hygiene can result in various health problems, as bacteria and viruses from your mouth directly enter your bloodstream, affecting different body parts. Also, good oral hygiene prevents tartar or plaque build-up and eliminates cavities. Thus, brushing and flossing regularly is recommended. In case you have oral problems like cavities, toothaches, or gum infections, it is excruciating and affects your self-confidence. Therefore, oral health is often vital for proper body functioning.  

Effects of Bad Oral Health 

Here are the common effects of bad oral health: 

1. Cardiovascular Diseases 

According to researchers, there is a strong connection between oral and cardiovascular health. The bacteria and the germs in the mouth travel to the heart through the bloodstream, resulting in stroke, clogged arteries, and other heart diseases. 

2. Endocarditis

Endocarditis is described as an infection in the heart’s inner lining, which occurs when bacteria from the mouth get into your bloodstream and cause infection.

3. Pregnancy and Birth Complications

Poor oral hygiene during pregnancy results in a low-weight fetus and premature birth and causes developmental issues in the baby. Thus, women should practice proper oral hygiene while pregnant and lactating. 

4. Pneumonia

Dental issues also result in pneumonia, as these bacteria cause lung infections, exacerbating respiratory infections like pneumonia.

5. Other Issues

Other issues such as diabetes, inflammatory conditions, digestive problems, and mental health issues are common in people with bad old health. 

Common Risk Factors for Oral Health

Some of the most common risk factors include: 

  • A poor diet 
  • Eating chocolates, desserts and sweets 
  • Intake of sugary drinks 
  • Use of tobacco 
  • High stress 
  • Excessive smoking and alcohol consumption 
  • Certain medical conditions like Alzheimer’s disease or AIDS 

How To Practice Good Oral Hygiene? 

If you want to improve your oral health, here are the top practices you need to include in your daily routine for oral hygiene: 

  • Brush your teeth twice a day 
  • Floss everyday 
  • Go for a thorough oral checkup twice a year 
  • Manage other related health concerns 
  • Avoid junk or sugary food 
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle 
  • Try tooth tools for better oral hygiene 

Wrapping Up 

Maintaining your oral health is a crucial part of your want to lead a happy and fulfilling life. This article reads how your improper oral health can affect your overall health.