What are the Common Causes of Car Accidents in Tacoma?

Car accidents are all too common on the roads. The cause of car accidents can differ, but many times it is due to human error. As a result, there are a number of factors that can increase the likelihood of an accident. One such factor is what is commonly referred to as driver distraction, which includes a number of different elements. Distractions can include reaching for your phone to answer or make a call, fiddling with the radio, or any other number of actions that divert your attention from the road. 

If you have been involved in an accident, then it is essential to speak with a car accident lawyer. You can visit this page to understand more about car accidents and how a car accident lawyer can help you in the aftermath of the accident.

This article will discuss the common causes of car accidents in Tacoma to help educate commuters about how to stay safe on the road.

  • Distracted driving

It is important to understand that distracted driving can be a number of different things. Whether the drivers are texting, talking on the phone, or adjusting the radio, all these can increase the risk of car accidents. This means drivers should concentrate on the road ahead and avoid any kind of distractions.

  • Driving under influence

Whether it is drugs or alcohol, driving under the influence can cause a number of different types of car accidents in Tacoma. All drivers are expected to understand how their actions will impact their driving, and this is certainly the case when you are under the influence. This means you should not drive after drinking because it can have an impact on your reaction time and ability to react appropriately.

  • Speeding

Speeding can also be a cause of car accidents in Tacoma. The more your speed, the more time it will take you to react when an emergency occurs. This means it is important to avoid driving at excessive speeds so that you are better prepared if something happens on the road ahead of you.

  • Violation of traffic rules

Traffic rules are in place for a reason, and there are certain actions every driver should avoid. This can include driving on the wrong side of the road, running red lights, disobeying traffic signals, or any other activity that puts you or other vehicles at risk.

  • Poor road conditions

Poor road conditions can also cause you to be involved in a car accident in Tacoma. It is important to understand that there are many different types of roads, and not all roads are created equal. Some roads may have poor lighting or bad lines, and this can easily lead to a car accident if another driver does not see your vehicle as it approaches or vice versa.