How To Reuse Your Empty Water Bottles

Reusing water bottles comes with multiple benefits. Not only is this method an environmentally safe and healthy practice, but also can be recycled in multiple ways to benefit you in the long run. Depending on the bottle’s size and the sort of plastic that is used, you could turn the bottles into excellent and fantastic items. You can also reuse empty water bottles with a little bit of creativity and take small steps to improve the planet and the world around you. To know how you can reuse empty water bottles, read the article.

Flower Pots

Love gardening? Well, you can use plastic bottles to create a fresh garden out of them. All you need to do is cut the bottles in half, add some soil, just like you would add soil to it and you can grow some flowers in it. If you want to introduce your kids to gardening, this could be an interesting solution.


You can also cut water bottles that are of 2 liters using the help of a knife, and fill them to the rim with gemstones, pebbles, and a bit of sadness. Now you can nestle small candles right in the container’s middle with the help of your own candle holder.



Apart from this, you can also use empty water bottles to make a desk organizer. For this, you will require a regular water bottle. All you need to do is cut the bottle’s lower portion using the regular utility knife, ensuring that the bottom is at least two inches tall. You should then add lines to that part well so that you don’t cut yourself with plastic or decorate them away. You could use candy or rubber bands to fill it up.

Watering Cans

Another excellent way to reuse empty watering cans is by making large bottles out of them. All you will need to do is simply poke around 15 holes using a bottle cap, and fill up your bottle with water. After this, you could tightly close the cap. A nail and hammer can utilized to make the holes, after which you can water your gardens and match them well.

Bird Feeder

Yes, you can turn empty water bottles into a bird feeder. Close to the bottom, you could cut the part a bit bigger than the usual quarter size. Poke your spoon through till it pierces through the bottle’s other side. Cut the hole so that your hand can easily permeate. Next, use twines to cover the bottle’s neck area and use it as a hanger for birds. You could also fill up the bottles using the help of the birdseed. Next, hang the feeder and let the birds around you enjoy it.

Use it as a savings box

As difficult as this sounds, you can use it as a piggy bank. All you need to do is cut the top portion of the water bottle and then allow it to keep its face down using the help of cardboard. Whenever you need to take your bottle off your cardboard, you will be able to see a circle. All you need to do is cut the circular portion using cardboard using scissors. Then you can cut the slot right in the cardboard’s middle. Finally, you could tape the cardboard piece for the water bottle’s opening. You can also buy water bottles online to reuse them.

So that was a look at how to reuse empty water bottles at home? How are you reusing your water bottles today? Do let us know in the comments section.