Take these steps to choose the best construction accident lawyer for your case- Rochester

If you are here, there is a good chance that you or your loved one has encountered a construction site accident, and you are thinking of hiring a lawyer. There are many versatile construction accident attorneys in Rochester to consider taking up your lawsuit. These steps will help you choose the best lawyer for your case.

Identify the type of lawsuit you fall under: Accidents due to working on construction sites can occur due to many causes. These causes will decide the case you claim.

  • Product liability: A piece of defective equipment, tool, or product can cause an accident at a construction site. In this case, a worker may be liable to product liability and even workers’ compensation benefits. The victim will sue the defective product manufacturer for compensation with product liability.
  • Workers’ compensation: The victim is qualified for workers’ compensation if the employer of a construction site is held accountable for the accident.
  • Personal Injury: It is still possible to file a personal injury lawsuit if a construction worker receives workers’ compensation. Personal injury lawsuits are mainly brought against a third-party(not manager, employer, or product manufacturer).
  • Wrongful Death: Accidents at construction sites can lead to fatalities. If a construction worker dies due to their job, the victim’s family may have grounds to sue.

Find an attorney in the relevant area of expertise: Once your lawsuit is decided, the next step is to find an attorney who has the right experience. Having the right attorney is essential since not everyone has the legal background and skills necessary to win your case. 

Find testimonials, review, and check for case history: Since they are so many lawyers out there, you should ensure that you get a lawyer who is backed up with good testimonials. You can check on Yelp and Google. In addition, research the law firm you are considering hiring to find out whether they have any historical success or failure stories. It will let you know whether a law firm is worth your time and money. If a law firm only wins its cases rarely, it may not be the best choice for your lawsuit. That being said, know that no law firm wins 100% of the time.

Book a consultation call: A good construction accident attorney will provide a free consultation to take your queries before charging you anything. Even most lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. It is always a good idea to contact a law firm if you think they will be the right fit for your needs. This allows you to ask questions, and you can also talk directly to the attorney handling your case.