How to Attempt IBPS SO mock test to get a good score in the exam?

Several candidates in the country appear for the IBPS SO exam. IBPS SO is a widely known exam that is held each year by IBPS to hire new employees. If you want to get good marks on the exam, you need to give several mock tests related to it. By completing mock examinations on many websites, you can get secure employment as a specialist officer in the banking industry. You can acquire a wide range of questions to practice depending on the latest patterns using the websites for the mock tests of the IBPS SO exam. Several community specialists construct the questions as per the current exam pattern and content to give the maximum test pack for these test series.

 But it is necessary to keep the following beneficial points in mind that can help you score good marks in your IBPS SO exam.

How to Attempt IBPS SO mock test to get good score in exams?

Create a study plan: To obtain a good score in the IBPS mock exam, it is very important to make a study plan with the expert guidance of BYJU’s Exam Prep. Before making a study plan, it is very essential to identify your weak points and your strong points. It is essential to make a study plan in such a way that you can cover all the sections by giving an equal amount of time. It is essential to keep in mind that making a study plan will not be beneficial if you do not work on it properly.

 • Quantitative aptitude:

  1. While preparing for quantitative aptitude, you should practice some tricks that can help you save time while solving the questions.
  2. Devote some time to work on your weak points and practice them regularly.

Section of English

  1. Read more books to improve your vocabulary, which is critical for scoring well in the English section.
  2. Brush up on your grammar skills.

Go through the previous year’s question paper: It is very important to gain knowledge about the exam pattern of the IBPS SO exam so that you can score well in the mock test. To gain adequate knowledge, it will be beneficial for you to go through the previous year’s question paper. By solving question papers continuously at BYJU’s Exam Prep, you can gain confidence and you will be able to understand what amount of time you need to spend on each section to cover the entire question paper accurately.

Section of reasoning:-

  1. Solve several questions to build your skills.
  2. In this section try to solve the question in a limited time so that this habit can help you during your examination.

Work on your doubt:- Numerous aspirants keep their doubt aside, this is not a good practice. Since if somehow you forget to clear your doubt then it may cost your exam because if the question comes from the area about which you do not have much knowledge then you will end up getting low marks. Hence it is essential to clear your doubt at the very moment.

Revise constantly:- Keep on revising frequently on the area in which you are prepared so that you can gain immense confidence. Lack of revision can make you land in problem because if you do not revise properly then you will not be able to remember the information about the topic which you have learnt before. It will take you a lot more time to start collecting the information from the very beginning about the topic which you have not revised. Hence to score good marks it is essential to revise.


 As an IBPS SO exam aspirant, it is essential that you do not overthink your weak points because with time and continuous practice, you will undoubtedly be able to have a good grasp of the entire syllabus.

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