Building Inspection Checklist That You Must Take Note Of

A home inspection is always a big step towards safe future and should be carried out very carefully. You need to be mentally prepared for this and alongside, you must have all the knowledge about the procedures too. You need to know your property thoroughly and be confident that you are hiring the best inspectors in town. Apart from this, it is equally important to have an inspection checklist with you. This will prevent you from missing out on important points inside the building. 

So, here are some points that violate the building inspections and some recommendations to get them right.

Hallways, corridors, stairs

Normally, the corridors must be free from all furniture that would obstruct the walkway. However, if there is furniture still placed there, you can move that to a suitable place. If you need help, do not think twice before asking.


The exit area should be clear to everyone. There must be no blockage or obstruction so that there can be free movement in case of any emergency or accident. People must get free spaces to evacuate the region and hence the exit must be taken care of.


Every area of the house or the office should be in its correct order and sanitary condition must be maintained. If the power and data cables are cluttered, you must secure them and ensure they are fine.

Exit lights

The exit lights should be very clearly visible and the light must be operational throughout the year.

Fire doors

The fire doors must be taken good care of. Normally, they must be closed and should lead to staircases. They should not be propped open as they might have dire consequences in case of fire within the building.

Open flames

The instructions must be clear regarding what kind of open flames can be used within the premises. If the candles or other flame products and devices are allowed within the building, the instructions must clearly highlight it. There can also be other specific requirements mentioned about using them.

Electrical and mechanical rooms

The electrical and mechanical rooms must always be used for the purpose they are meant for. They cannot be used as a substitute for the storage room. There should not be any tables or chairs in it neither should people spend leisure time there.

The above guidelines along with other important information will be provided to you in detail when you hire Inspection MCM for your property check-up.